Thursday 6 December 2018

Here's What You Need To Know About PRP Therapy For Hair Loss

Hair loss is a distressing scenario for any person who experiences it. It can have an impact on a person’s self-esteem as well as self-confidence. The Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons of India has stated that the number of patients with hair loss has increased over the years and out of 10 new patients at least eight are men. What is disturbing is that a substantial number of them are in their 20s and 30s seeking hair restoration surgery.

You may have tried over-the-counter products, but nothing has worked. You don’t like the possible side effects that come with commercial hair products anyway. You want to stop your hair loss before it is too late, but you don’t know what to do. Think about PRP for hair restoration to give you an expected hair growth and texture.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy offers the opportunity for hair growth for those patients wanting a more aggressive nonsurgical approach to treatment or those patients who are not candidates for surgery. PRP injections will stop hairfall and activate natural hair growth due to the growth factors in platelets. Moreover, this PRP therapy is also combined with other hair loss medications or procedures.


What is PRP therapy for hair growth?

For the last twenty years, PRP therapy has been used extensively in various medical specialties like orthopaedics with generally positive outcomes and success. Many recent studies support PRP therapy as a promising treatment option to promote hair growth in the field of hair restoration.

Human blood contains mesenchymal stem cells and other autologous blood products such as Platelets (cytoplasmic fragments of megakaryocytes) formed in the marrow which contains more than 30 bioactive proteins,and growth factors many of which assist in tissue regeneration and healing.


The Procedure for PRP Treatment for hair loss

Your blood is collected (10 to 30ml ) just   like for a routine blood test- typically from your arm and placed into a centrifuge, an apparatus that spins to separate fluids of different densities and this concentrates the platelets found in the blood.

The platelet-rich plasma is collected into a syringe and then injected into areas of the scalp that need increased hair growth. This is a scrupulous process with injections beginning across the scalp, approximately at every half inch over the area of thinning hair — but typically, the entire treatment takes 60-90 mins.

Can I use other medical therapies concurrently?

Certainly..... In fact, Doctors encourage it and prescribe PRP therapy as a complementary therapy to a nonsurgical approach for those patients who are not eligible for surgery or who want to delay hair restoration surgery. As a non-surgical treatment option, PRP therapy is recommended along with other hair restoration medications such as DHT blockers and Minoxidil and with other hair restoration procedures.

Mahi Skin & Hair Care Clinic is the best answer to all skin and hair conditions. It is the best hair care centre located in kilpauk and sowcarpet (in Chennai). This aesthetically designed clinic is headed by clinical and aesthetic dermatologist Dr Deepika Lunawat in one of the  accessible locations in Chennai, which adheres to the latest Evidence- Based Medicine and cosmetology-related needs of patients. They provide comprehensive care in all different disciplines of dermatology and hair loss treatment in Tamilnadu in a very safe, secure and customized manner, reassuring good quality and complete privacy. They believe in providing state-of-the-art PRP treatment for hair loss in Tamilnadu to patients with innovative and latest technology.
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Friday 23 November 2018

Chemical Peels : Secret To Flawless Skin

A spotless and flawless complexion is lying just underneath the surface of your skin—and dermatologists have found that a conservative treatment is  one of the way there. Dermal fillers, Botox, Lasers, PRP are cosmetic procedures of our time, but the medical peels have found their feet again.

What’s great about medical peels  is that it can be done for all skin types usually for a fraction of the cost of the other options. Medical peels are hanging around for a long time, though for a good reason—‘THEY WORK’ 
So just how far back do they go? Chemical peels are one of the oldest cosmetic procedures in the world, though they really seemed to gain mainstream popularity in the late ’90s and early 2000s. Believe it or not, women have been said to use the peels for over 2,000 years! Chemical peels are ancient-Egyptian classic and have existed since the time of Cleopatra. This famous queen used tartaric acid (found in wine) and lactic acid (found in sour milk) to give herself mild chemical peels. This practice continued through the Middle Ages. 


Now some fast facts

  • Chemical peels are a method of exfoliating your skin. 
  • There are different types of peels: Mild, medium, and deep. 
  • The treatment that's right for you will depend on your skin type and what you're intending to get treated.
  • Minimal to no downtime
  • Chemical peels are generally inexpensive .
  • When you go for a chemical peel, you’re sure to be surprised by how little time it takes. 


What does a chemical peel do?

All chemical exfoliants used in peels remove outer layers of the skin (they exfoliate deeper than face scrubs while simultaneously getting to the core) though how many layers depends on the intensity of the peel. Skin will be left feeling softer and smoother after a healing period, which also varies with the intensity level. They leave face with a radiant glow as chemical peels sweep away complexion-dulling dead skin cells. This ultimate do-over enhances collagen growth resulting in younger-looking, healthy skin.


Having said that, chemical peels are useful for the following purposes:

  • Acne
  • Age spots
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Pigmentation
  • Dull complexion
  • Fine lines
  • Melasma
  • Rough feeling skin
  • Sun damaged skin/ tanning


What type of chemical peels should be done for you


Leave it to the experts

Wondering which one should you choose? Look before you leap. Explore for the best and certified experts in your locations. Even though the “chemicals” in chemical peels do not pose major dangers, it is crucial to choose the dermatologist with experience and who can suggest you the best treatment.

Mahi skin and hair clinic is a comprehensive medico-aesthetic clinic for skin and hair problems offering safe, effective and affordable procedures with an unmatched experience. Dr. Deepika Lunawat, Medical Director of Mahi Clinic, is a trusted dermatologist who is well-trained in different advanced techniques to treat skin and hair issues and has inculcated these techniques in her clinical practice. The carefully balanced combination of aesthetic and clinical approach – from a skin peeling treatment to more advanced medical procedures – are planned to suit your own unique, individual skin and body needs in the clinic. Considered as the best clinic for chemical peeling in Chennai, it is one of the most well equipped, state-of-the-art clinics for dermatology and aesthetic medicine in Chennai.

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